Sunday, July 10, 2011

Year 1

Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at "blogging" so y'all bear with me. Also, I doubt I will be as funny and witty as my very talented wife.

Well it's been a year and luckily I have yet to run Christie off. In the last year we have gotten married, gotten pregnant, and moved once, continuing to journey deeper into west Texas. While Christie was busy wow-ing students and faculty at Colorado High School with her excellent teaching, I have tried out the wind industry, done student teaching, graduated college, substitute taught, and gone back to the oil field. Thanks to the Lord I have recently been hired as a football coach and P.E. teacher here in Colorado City to finally begin my career. Although I am concerned with the amount of hunting I will be able (or allowed) to do this year, Friday night lights are sure hard to beat.

In other news, which you all already know, our baby boy is very close to being here and we couldn't be more ready. I am growing tired of Christie being pregnant, so I can only imagine how tired of it she is. But she has been great through all of it (no weird cravings, minimal nagging etc.) and I know she will be a wonderful mother.

In conclusion, marriage has been everything I could want and I can't imagine doing or being anywhere else. I love my wife so much and I can't wait for our family to grow, but if you would've told me I'd be here doing this about 6 years ago I would've thrown a rock at you. God has truly blessed me.

And before any of you (or Christie) get any ideas, I'm only doing this blogging thing once a year. See you next July.

1 comment:

  1. Way to jump into blogging Koby! I will be eagerly anticipating your next post and anxiously waiting to see what you have to say whne you have a nearly one year old! Thanks for sharing Christie with me this summer at The Grace. She is a remarkable teacher as I am sure she will be a wonderful mommy. You ARE blessed.

    Tell Christie to hop by my blog, I have a little award for her (and I guess you too ;).
