Sunday, September 25, 2011

Don't Blink

It appears I might be more likely to post some 'weekend wrap-ups' rather than religiously posting each Friday and Sunday.  Fridays are hard with the football games to go to.  This week/weekend has been BUSY.  Let me tell you about it.

Last Saturday and Sunday Ross and Alex came in to visit and we enjoyed some good relaxation time.  Lots of football and Words With Friends.

On Tuesday (Sept. 20) Knox turned two months old!  In some ways I can hardly believe he's only been around for two months.  Our lives have already been shaped and molded to accompany him so completely it feels like he's always been here.  On a side note, I'm still prepping the rough draft of his two-month entry before I write it in his baby book.  Lesson learned.

Randy came in town for the junior high football games on Thursday and was able to love on Knox for a few hours.  Also, Knox's special football hat made its debut because of the chilly, windy weather.  I was thrilled to be able to use this little hat!

On Friday afternoon Knox and I went to Abilene for his two month check up.  Everything is looking good!  He weighed 12 lbs 11 oz and is right around the 50th percentile for both length and weight.  He's a little bit higher on the weight end and we are lovin' it.  Here I am expressing my apprehension about the impending immunization shots, while he blissfully has no idea what's coming...

This is him after he found out what a trip to the doctor really entails. 

On Saturday we traveled to Midland for Derek and Kim's wedding.  (Remember when I took their engagement pictures?  Seems like just yesterday!)  It was a beautiful wedding and it was wonderful to be around our college friends again, even if just for a night.  Here are the guys in their suspenders.  Koby was beside himself about getting to wear suspenders, and in fact he was the one who organized this photo op.  If you know anything about Koby, you can appreciate that this is monumental.

On Sunday my college roommate Kristen visited and I FINALLY got to meet Michaela, her 8 month old daughter.  She is so cute!  It's just so crazy to see this picture of our KIDS sitting next to each other on the couch.  Time flies...

Sunrise and rain showers, both while on the way to Knox's day care before and after school.  It's a nice, peaceful drive.

 I'm beginning to realize that I can basically just write these posts in some sort of format like this:

Who came to visit "us" (read: Knox)?
Which football games did we attend?
Why else didn't I get around to writing the thank-you notes from when Knox was born?  (Whoops again.  But I am finishing them today!  They are on my "Urgent To-Do List" that consists of about 15 things that need to be done.  Well, needed to be done like a week ago to be socially acceptable and now it's just embarassing.  In one of the thank yous I mentioned how great it is to have a light, breathable cotton blanket for Knox "during these hot summer months".  Thanks a lot, Fall Equinox, for happening to come before I got that one in the mail.)

Let's talk about Knox for a bit, okay?  He's the best baby ever.  I'm realizing that more and more.  He is just so easy.  I'm so very glad he's able to fall asleep anywhere, any time.  Whether it's a row away from loud football fans or during the Cupid Shuffle at a wedding reception.  He doesn't cry when new people hold him and can find a way to be comfortable anywhere.  Not sure if he's that way naturally or if it's because he's had to be flexible since he was born because of our inconsistent schedule, but I do know either way that Koby and I don't deserve such a magnificent son.  We are so proud of him.

Oh, and I had a Mommy moment this weekend.  At the wedding last night, the DJ invited all the mothers and sons to come and dance together after Derek had his dance with his mom, and so I went to scoop up Knox from an admirer and danced with him.  I only managed to spin around the floor with him in my arms for about a minute because 
  1. the sentimentality of the moment in no way lessens how awkward it is to slow dance essentially by yourself and
  2. I got extremely choked up, dancing with my baby and looking at all the mothers dancing with their grown babies and Derek dancing with his mother.  I was thinking, "I bet they feel like this was just moments ago".  That's going to be us, one day, if we're extremely blessed. 

I hope I always note God's faithfulness, even in times of trouble.

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