Friday, November 4, 2011

Health Hubris

So, I used to be a little cocky about my super-stellar immune system. Which is a weird and annoying thing to boast about - I'm aware of it. Please just choose to find it endearing.

Anyway, I used to think I was essentially invincible to superfluous illnesses such as the common cold. I actually used to tease my husband when he would get panicky, after missing a few nights' sleep, feeling like he would "get sick". Ha! Getting sick was for mere mortals. (Are you wondering how someone can be married to me? Me too.)

Nope. I was just dumb. He was right. This fall (for lack of a better word to describe the beginning of the school year that has mostly seen weather in the 90s) I have chugged Emergen-C and TherFlu, Lysoled and hand-sanitized every surface within eyesight, and I have still managed to get sick three times. That is more than I normally get sick in a 1-2 year span.

No, this is not a urine sample.  It is TheraFlu in a Mason Jar.  Turns out, Sleep > TheraFlu. 

SLEEP. IS. IMPORTANT. Get enough of it. That's really all I can say about that. If you're young and married, like me, the best thing you can do to ensure that you're getting enough sleep is to take your birth control pill.

That's essentially been our week.  Mmm, and this baby in his winter hat.  (And so he's still a Halloween monster, so what?  Soon he'll be too big to ever wear this ensemble again...  sniff.)

I'm still ruminating over the chapters I've read about simplicity- hopefully I'll have something to share tomorrow.

As you head into the weekend, please keep the ACU community in your prayers, after the tragic bus accident that happened this afternoon. One student was killed and the other passengers are being treated for injuries. It is a terrifying thing to read about and imagine for the families and friends involved. It is especially on my heart tonight.

This picture was taken at the Prayer Vigil tonight on ACU's campus, by the Tower of Light.  Just when life becomes terrifying... it's so important to remember that
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous will enter, and they are

life rearranged

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