It's Monday, I've sucked it up again with the whole "post every day" thing, but here's what's new: we spent a happy weekend in Austin with my family (sans a Pack 'N Play for Knox - NOT recommended) and got to visit with some of my college friends at a couples shower for my friend Marie, who is pregnant with her second baby. It was great to see Abby, Meagan, Caroline, Hayley, all their respective spouses/boyfriends/offspring and of course, Marie...
Marie is one of those friends who's become like family to me. One of those friends who I wish lived closer, so our kids could grow up together. Maybe one day.
The morning of the shower I headed over to Marie's house to take some pictures of her baby bump. Marie is on strict bed rest because of pre-eclampsia, a condition that caused her daughter Lyla to be born at 32 weeks. She's currently at about 32 weeks with new baby Wyatt, and so we're all praying that she's able to stay pregnant as long as possible to avoid another lengthy stay in the NICU. Anyway, we popped into her backyard, bribed Lyla with some jelly beans and snapped some non-strenuous photographs.
I can't wait to finish editing the rest of these pictures... two beautiful models = fun and easy work. Check out to see some more photography... and some exciting things are going to be happening with P&P Photography soon, so stay tuned. Not telling yet. It's a surprise.
thanks so much for taking the pictures!! i'm so glad i got to see you and your family, i very much wish we lived closer too! can't wait to see the rest, love you!